Where I Want To Go

January 3, 2011 at 2:33 am 2 comments

I’ve decided to participate in wordpress’s daily posting challenge. I know I won’t be posting each and everyday, but I’m excited to have new prompts to inspire my posts, and hopefully cause me to push my writing further.

I’m a day late on this one, but I wanted to answer the question they put out for us bloggers yesterday:

Prompt: List three countries you’d like to visit, and why you want to go.

**I studied abroad for 6 months and got the chance to travel all around Europe, so I’ve been lucky enough to have seen many places. However, I’m always hungry for more…

1. Paris, France.

I’ve already been to France, but the romance of Paris has captivated me, and I’ve been longing to go back. The taste of warm, flaky chocolate croissants has melted in my mind, and I’m in need for more. The fashion, the architecture, the cafes, the people, the language….It’s a city that’s truly European, with a bit of an ego that’s well deserved. Paris has an air about it, and it’s calling my name to come back to experience it again.

2. Brazil.

I would love to go to Brazil and lay on the famous beaches, eat the famous food and meet the famous energetic, (unbelievably beautiful) people. One of my clients in Brazilian–the nicest person that could be–and his love for Brazil and its culture has inspired me to go and check it out.


It’s on the other side of the world, how cool is that? I love traveling, and going to the opposite side of the world is a thrilling thought. Oh, and warmth of the Australian sun is my cup of tea–I kind of despise winter.

Hopefully one day I can go back to my favorite places around the world, and experience new ones…with someone I love.

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Snowy Thoughts What Makes Me Smile

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. A Woman Out There  |  January 3, 2011 at 2:51 am

    Good luck with PostADay πŸ™‚ I’m trying it too and I know I’ll need all the encouragement I can get!

    • 2. ilovelovee  |  January 3, 2011 at 2:57 am

      Yes, I’m trying to write more, and am looking forward to the prompts. Good luck to you too! I’ll be sure to check your blog out. πŸ™‚


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A marketing gal's journey through life as a young professional. The storyline includes heart flutters, hiccups and happiness along the way...with one big spoonful of creativity in each chapter. I'm also the founder of Young Women in Digital, a Boston-based group for digital marketers to mix and mingle at pressure-free, fun events around the city!

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