YWD Success Story: She Got The Job!

September 17, 2013 at 5:30 am 1 comment

When I started Young Women in Digital, my hope was to connect peers and to open the proverbial marketing doors for others to see that “wow, she’s really just like me!” The ultimate goal of course was to empower YWDs to move up in their careers, and to land their dream job through a peer connection. I didn’t know how fast this would happen, but at only our 3rd event, “Cupcakes and Careers,” one YWD took the cake (or cupcake I should say.)

Find out how Meghan scored her dream gig after attending our event.

1) How did you hear about YWD?

I heard about YWD from my friend Kate (www.andtheycookedhappilyeverafter.com) who had attended your event at Sonsie and said that it was a great networking opportunity to connect with other women who are in the digital marketing world. As someone who had recently lost their job in April, I was looking for new ways to meet new people in the industry.

 2) What sparked your interest in attending out last event, Cupcakes & Careers?

Thankfully, I had the availability and Kate was helping out the event, so she encouraged me to attend. Little did I know that a HR rep from Tripadvisor was going to be there.

 3) You’re a YWD success story! So, tell us how the story of how YWD event helped lead you to your new position at TripAdvisor.

I had applied for a position at Tripadvisor right around the beginning of my unemployment. I thought I was a good match and the job seemed right up my alley, so I sent in my resume, cover letter and portfolio and waited. And waited. And heard nothing. On the night of the event, a HR rep from Tripadvisor spoke about how you can get your resume noticed and in front of the right people. After she was finished speaking, she was chatting her way around the room, and with a little encouragement from my friend, I went over and mentioned how I had applied there a month before and didn’t hear anything. She told me to find her on LinkedIn and send her an email with my resume, and she would try to get it to the appropriate recruiter. That following week, I did just that. One day after sending my email to her, I received an email from a recruiter who had reviewed my information and wanted to schedule a phone screen with me. After two phone screens, two in person interviews and one more phone screen, I received an offer for the very same position I had originally applied for. Had I not attended the event and chatted with Jennifer, I most likely never would have heard anything from them.

 4) What are you doing at your new position?

My official title at Tripadvisor is a Brand Marketing Designer. I have my hands in all kinds of work that range from online (banners, landing pages, UX) to traditional marketing materials (magazine ads, tradeshow materials, promotional items). I love that I have so much variety in my day, and I can say that I am sincerely loving my new gig.

5) What do you think made the YWD event the prime place to network and ultimately land a new job?

What was so great about the event was having the right people there. People who know the industry and want to help other women succeed in the growing digital world. I can’t say that if this was a traditional networking event with men and women, I would have still gone. I think by just having a women’s group, makes everyone more approachable and easier to make those connections. It’s great to see women empowering other women! So I’ll end this with just a little thank you. Thank you for having such a great event, that led me to a really fantastic job opportunity.

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Young Women In Digital Feature: Jennifer, The Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel City Wine Tours Delights (plus, a special treat for my readers!)

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. operationrestoration  |  September 19, 2013 at 6:48 pm

    Thank you so much Melanie! Looking forward to the next event.


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A marketing gal's journey through life as a young professional. The storyline includes heart flutters, hiccups and happiness along the way...with one big spoonful of creativity in each chapter. I'm also the founder of Young Women in Digital, a Boston-based group for digital marketers to mix and mingle at pressure-free, fun events around the city!

Women Online